Hell(o) Everybody!!
The first and last issu e of Chantres de l'Extrême is finally fuckin'
PRINTED!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! It is out now and available!!!!!!!
There will be inties of Sabbat/Metalucifer, Impiety, Abigail, Tankard,
Kaamos, Tankard and Nihilistic Holocaust (label, distro,...)!!
As you know, the second issue will be under the sweet name of Kastratör
Zine, with interview of (sure) Griffar, Obtest, Mortem, Desaster, Goat Semen
and Noctural Graves + more but they didn't yet answered my questions so I
couldn't say htey are in the next issue of the Zine!!!
All bands and labels that helped me for the first issue will have their free
copy during next week I strongly hope!! I promised, I do!
Thank you very much everybody for your precious help, support and eternal &
immense patience!!
Euh!! Rammer, Jill, Whatayakorn, Costa, Beldaroh, Jason, can I have some
news about you cause I'm worried about you!!!
Eh guys, you can send this email to those (your friends, your ennemies, your
dog, anyone...) who might be interested in this Zine if you think they will
be interested in it for a little, it will be fuckin' cooool from your
See you soonb everybody, keep the contact!!
Bye Buye my friends!!